3m 11s
The premiere episode of Latitudes & Attitudes TV, Bob Bitchin's groundbreaking sailing magazine TV series which was broadcast on various U.S. cable channels from 2004 through 2008.
In Season 1, Episode 1, meet hosts, Bob Bitchin and Courtney Haas sailing aboard s/v Saga in the Pacific Ocean. The episode features sailing destination segments, how-to content, boat & gear reviews, Lats & Atts Magazine subscriber submissions, and a final "Attitudes" riff by Bob.
The Premiere Episode segments include: “Other People’s Paradise”, “Sans Souci Maiden Voyage”, Cruising Tips w/Capt. Jack, ATN’s Top Climber, new Tartan 4400 review, and Bob’s “Attitudes”.
The series follows this structure through five seasons and sixty-five thirteen 22 minute episodes - justa bout 24 hours of content. Enjoy.
NOTE: this month, April 2019, Bob reclaimed rights to the trade name "Latitudes & Attitudes" (lost during a business dispute some years back.) His new magazine, Cruising Outpost will henceforth be named Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine - the best selling nautical publication on U.S. newsstands and in marine stores.