In the Wake of the Zaca

In the Wake of the Zaca

A film by Luther Greene
TheSailingChannel.TV is proud to bring you "In the Wake of the Zaca," the remarkable adventures of a California schooner. This award-winning documentary captures a lost age of adventure, romance, and Hollywood glamour told through the history of a 75 year-old, 118 foot gaff-rigged topsail schooner.

Launched in San Francisco on the eve of the great depression, Zaca explored stone-age civilizations in the South Pacific, patrolled the California coast as an armed ship of war during World War II, and served as party boat for sailor and swashbuckling actor, Errol Flynn.

Left to languish as a striped hulk on a mudflat in the south of France, Zaca rose like the phoenix to sail again. Sail in her wake and gain a unique perspective on history and experience adventures most of us can only dream about.

We've include 4 EXTRAS telling the story behind the film, more historical footage of Zaca during her 1933 Solomon Islands scientific research visit, and a short film directed, staring, and narrated by Errol Flynn while he owned the Zaca.

The Zaca DVD with extras. Subscribers, get 20% off at
See the Private Forum for discount code.

In the Wake of the Zaca
  • In the Wake of the Zaca

    A film by Luther Greene
    TheSailingChannel.TV is proud to bring you "In the Wake of the Zaca," the remarkable adventures of a California schooner. This award-winning documentary captures a lost age of adventure, romance, and Hollywood glamour told through the history of a 75 year-old, 118 foot gaf...


  • Zaca: 1933 Templeton Crocker Scientific Expedition

    A short film by Luther Greene.
    In the spring of 1933, Templeton Crocker and a team of scientists sailed his schooner, Zaca across the Pacific from San Francisco, California to the Solomon islands. There, they visited two outlying isolated islands: Rennell and Bellona. Basically untouched by wes...

  • Zaca: Making of the Film

    This is the story behind the story. It's often the way documentaries come about - by accident. In 1978 San Francisco filmmaker, Luther Greene was busy with his film production company when he received a phone call that would lead him on a decade plus journey to bring an incredible story to the sc...

  • Errol Flynn: Crucero en el Zaca (Cruise of the Zaca)

    A short film by Errol Flynn.
    Flynn purchased the Zaca after WWII and restored her as his private party yacht. Flynn directed and narrated this documentary filmed along the east coast of Mexico in 1952. His father was marine scientist and is along on this voyage to do some ocean research. Prior ...